In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an unavoidable part of life. But what if ancient wisdom combined with current knowledge and innovative practices could offer simple, effective solutions? Energy medicine provides a comprehensive framework for addressing stress-related health and wellness concerns and offers powerful tools for promoting homeostasis—a self-regulating process by which the body maintains internal stability while adapting to changing external conditions.
Energy Medicine is a systematic way of working with the body’s energies to promote healing, health, and well-being. It draws on ancient wisdom traditions and leverages modern science and cuttingedge technologies. Energy Medicine is gentle, non-invasive, dynamic, and holistic in nature. It is both a complement to conventional medical therapies and, in itself, a comprehensive self-help system.
Key principles of Energy Medicine:
- Biophysics vs. Biochemistry: Assess and correct underlying causes of physical, mental, and emotional health challenges rather than diagnosing and treating symptoms.
- Holistic Approach: Stimulate the body’s innate healing abilities to restore wholeness,
balance, and inner peace.
- Holistic Approach: Stimulate the body’s innate healing abilities to restore wholeness,
- Foundational Premise: Paraphrasing Albert Einstein, everything is energy, and energy is all there is: E = mc². The energies most pertinent to Energy Medicine include combinations of the body’s electrical, electromagnetic, and subtle energies.
As highlighted in the work of energy-medicine pioneer Donna Eden, the body’s fight-or-flight stress response is governed by an energy system called Triple Warmer. This system plays multiple roles:
- It acts as a meridian (an established energy pathway).
- It operates as a Radiant Circuit (a hyperlink system, a Pathway of Joy).
- It is a primary energy system (one of the nine that make up the Eden Energy Medicine framework).
When triggered by a perceived threat, Triple Warmer goes on high alert to keep you safe. It pulls energy from other systems, first and foremost the Spleen meridian which regulates metabolism and immune functions. This interaction illustrates how, from an energetic perspective, chronic stress weakens the immune system, and why holistic stress management is essential for all aspects of health and well-being.
Let’s explore some simple, yet powerful techniques from the Eden Method repertoire that are aimed at reducing stress and harmonizing your energies!
Magic Wand #1: Crossover Shoulder-to-Opposite-Hip Swipe
Purpose: Enforce crossover patterns vital for correct energy organization and cognition.
How to do it:
- Crossing over your chest, place one hand on the opposite shoulder; press your fingers in.
- With gentle, but firm pressure, swipe across your torso to the opposite hip.
- Repeat on the other side. Perform multiple times.
Reflect: How do you feel after completing this exercise? Does your mind feel clearer?
Magic Wand #2: Hook-Up
Purpose: Create a radiant force field. Help you feel more centered and balanced.
How to do it:
- Place the middle finger of one hand on the Third Eye (between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose).
- Place the middle finger of the other hand in or just below the navel.
- Gently press each finger into the skin and pull upwards. Hold for 10-30 seconds or longer while deeply breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Notice: A deep sigh or yawn often signals that your energies have hooked up.
Magic Wand #3: Hold the Main Stress-Relief Points on the Forehead
Purpose: Calm the nervous system. Restore abilities to think clearly.
How to do it:
- Tune into your main stressor.
- Put your thumbs on your temples next to your eyes.
- Lightly place your fingertips on your forehead, covering the frontal eminences (aka the Oh my Gosh points).
- Hold for 1-3 minutes while breathing deeply, in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Observe: Are you noticing a transition from being the main actor in your stressful scenario to becoming an uninvolved observer?
Magic Wand #4: Triple-Warmer Relaxation Smoothie
Purpose: Release excess Triple Warmer energy, i.e., stress relief and immune support.
How to do it:
- Place your thumbs on your temples and fingers on your forehead.
- With gentle pressure, slowly pull your fingers to the temples and hold for at least one deep breath, breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.
- On another deep in-breath, slowly slide your fingers up and around your ears, smoothing the skin while maintaining some pressure.
- On the out-breath, move your fingers down and behind your ears, down the sides of your neck, and hang them on your shoulders.
- Drag your fingers over your shoulders to the middle of your chest, crossing your hands over your heart. Repeat as needed.
Check-In: Did you notice any change in your stress level?
Magic Wand #5: Triple-Warmer/Spleen Balancing Hug
Purpose: Harmonize Triple Warmer and Spleen energies and create a sanctuary for you.
How to do it:
- Wrap your right hand around your left side, anchoring your thumb just below the armpit.
- Wrap your left hand around your right arm, just above the elbow.
- Gently rock or stay still for at least three deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.
Connect to Yourself: Are you feeling more nurtured, safe, supported, and loved?
After completing these five techniques, take a moment to notice any shifts in your stress level or body sensations.
Stress doesn’t have to control your life. By incorporating these quick and easy-to-do energy-medicine techniques into your daily routine, you can foster overall balance, mental clarity, inner peace, and emotional resilience. Start experimenting with these empowering tools today and discover which ones resonate most with you.
Ready to reclaim your calm? Visit our Site, schedule a consultation for personalized guidance, join us for an in-person or virtual workshop, and discover how energy medicine can transform your life!
Verena Vomastic, PhD
Owner of Mountain Light Healing, LLC, specializes in integrative approaches to optimizing mind-body health and well-being. She is passionate about inspiring and empowering individuals from all walks of life, promoting growth and transformation, and sharing the science, the gifts, and the magic of Energy Medicine. In her practice, she employs a unique blend of practical tools, proven techniques, and leading-edge technologies aimed at boosting vitality, resilience, longevity, personal performance, and overall quality of life. Verena has a scientific (mathematics/physics), engineering, and cosmopolitan background. She is a multi-modality-certified Energy Medicine/Bioenergetics and Whole Health Medicine Institute Practitioner, Eden Energy Medicine/Eden Method and Holistic Stress Management Instructor, Hippocrates Lifestyle™ Medicine Coach, and Registered Yoga Teacher. Many of her services are available remotely